Our Classroom Website


Dear students and families,

Welcome to 11th grade American History. I am excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and I am looking forward to a happy and productive school year. This site is available to you and your famiy to use as as a source of information for class events, assignments, and communication between school and home. I will try to post assignments each day, test dates, and other important annoucements. By clicking on the "Contact" tab on this website you will find all of my contact information if you have any questions.

Class Rules and Consequences

The expectations, rules, procedures and consequences of my classroom are intended to keep the classroom environment safe, orderly, and productive. Please respect the rules so that we can maximize learning time together. If you have any questions about any of these rules, or why they are in place, you have the right to find out – please ask me as soon as possible.

-Class Rules

  1. Arrive to class on time and ready to learn
  2. Do not cheat, plagarize, or copy work
  3. Use polite and appropriate language
  4. Turn off cellphones and other electronic devices unless told otherwise

-Class Expectations

  1. Respect yourself, the teacher, and peers
  2. Be prepared for class each day
  3. Pay attention, participate, and ask questions


  1. Verbal warning
  2. Phone call and/or email home
  3. Detention
  4. Referral to dean

-Positive Consequences

If students behave well and follow the classroom rules and expectations there will be positive consequences "rewards". Examples of rewards are: praise, note/email home, ability to change seating chart, etc.

-Severe Clause

Any student who fights or damanges school property will be immediately sent to the deans office. These actions may result in suspension or expulsion.